Rock Island 6015 – Combine
This combine (passenger/baggage) was built by the American Car & Foundry Company in 1921 as Railway Express Agency No. 6015 for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RR. It was modernized (streamlined) in 1940 into a baggage dorm for use on the Arizona Limited and the Golden State Limited.
Length: 76 ft 8 in.
Weight: 155,400 lbs.

The car was replaced in September of 1959 with Pullman Standard baggage dorms purchased from the New York Central RR, Numbers 821-823. This car was converted to a maintenance of way dormitory car No. 6150.
In May 2001, the Capitol Steel Company donated the car to the ORM. It had been stored on their track for several years and was going to be cut up for scrap. It is now used as ORM’s Party Coach for birthdays.