MKT 400 – GE 25-TON
MKT 400 is the only GE 25 ton switch engine ever purchased by the Missouri Kansas Texas (MKT) Railroad.

Built in 1950, MKT 400 was used at the MKT tie treatment plant in Denison, Texas. MKT sold the plant to WJ Smith Preserving Co. along with MKT 400. The locomotive was later sold into private ownership when the plant closed. The switcher was then purchased by Alan Ritchey, Inc. who used it at Martindale Feed Mill in Valley View, Texas. At the mill, the engine was used to move hopper cars to and from the grain elevator. It was eventually replaced by an EMD SW-9 switcher and stored. The siding where it was stored for many years is raised and it was easily visible from the nearby I-35.
The Oklahoma Railway Museum purchased MKT 400 from Alan Ritchey, Inc. in 2018. Future plans are to restore MKT-400 for operation at the museum. Once our 100ft turntable is installed, the engine will be used to push equipment on and off the turntable and eventually into our future roundhouse.